The proposals aim to enhance the environment and ecological value of the site. At present the Site is predominantly used for horse grazing, with a boundary consisting of a mixture of hedges, trees, ditches and fences. The proposals look to maintain these features, with only minor hedge removal required to secure a new vehicular access into the site from Forest Road.

Existing hedgerows will be retained and enhanced through additional planting and creation of green corridors to support an increase in local wildlife. Some of the existing grassland will be enhanced through over seeding to increase species diversity and appropriate mowing management to maintain diversity. There is scope to create additional habitats within the Site such as high quality ponds, scrub and trees.

New habitats are also supported through the creation of new ponds within the site creating a new ecosystem for wildlife.

An existing Orchard lies within the site, next to the farmhouse, proposals include the retention of the orchard alongside enhancement of the grassland underneath to create a more species rich grassland.

Initial desk based studies indicate the potential for breeding birds, bats, badgers and great crested newt habitats within the Site. Further surveys will be undertaken to identify presence of such habitats and the level of enhancement required to ensure that habitats can be retained within the Site and that they are appropriately managed.